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If you're not 100% happy with your purchase of FundingCompass™, please contact us within 30 days to request a refund.


We offer a 100% refund option for your purchase. If you are not happy with the customized report we provided you may contact us within 30 days of making the purchase to request a refund. This provides you with a risk free way to trial Funding Compass TM.

To protect us against fraud, refunds are only available for Funding Compass TM product and the first purchase you make with us, and not subsequent purchases. If you to decide to make purchase of Funding Compass  again, then only the first purchase is eligible for a refund. Once a refund has been made, further purchases will not be eligible for refunds. Buyer errors are not eligible for a refund, but may be processed at our discretion. 


Ph: 310.464.1575

Fax: 888.816.2740

DISCLAIMER: We are not a law firm, provider of capital, accountants or registered brokers and our report and any suggestions will be provided for general information and educational purposes only. Your use of any of our documents at your own risk, and you should not use any of these documents without first seeking legal and other professional advice. The provision of our reports, documents and seminars do not constitute legal advice or opinions of any kind, or any advertising or solicitation. No lawyer-client, advisory, fiduciary or other relationship is created between Metropole Capital Group and any person accessing or otherwise using any of our documents and informational material. Metropole Capital Group, its partners and its affiliates (and any of their respective directors, officers, agents, contractors, interns, suppliers and employees) will not be liable for any damages, losses or causes of action of any nature arising from any use of any of the reports, informational documents or seminars.


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